When To Start Medicare Coverage
If you are getting close to your 65th birthday, you are probably wondering when to start Medicare coverage. The start date for your Medicare coverage is based on when you enroll and which election period, you’re in.
If you already receive Social Security benefits, there is no need to apply for Medicare Part A or Part B. You are enrolled in both A and B automatically. Because you will pay a premium for Part B coverage, you can turn down Part B coverage.
Please Note: If you are a resident of either Puerto Rico or a foreign country, you do not get Part B automatically. You must enroll for it.
How soon can I enroll, Initial Enrollment Period:
Generally, when you turn 65. This is called your Initial Enrollment Period or IEP. Your IEP lasts for 7 months. It starts 3 months before you turn 65 and ends 3 months after the month you turn 65.
If your birthday is the first day of the month (ex. May 1st), your initial enrollment period will begin earlier than most people. Your enrollment period begins 4 months before you turn 65 and ends 2 months after you turn 65.
When to Start Medicare coverage; There are a few different ways to enroll for Medicare:
1. Probably the easiest method is to enroll online. Once you create my Social Security account, you can move forward and enroll for both Medicare A & B benefits. Important: be sure the website you are using to enroll has a URL ending in .gov. This way you can be sure you are on an official government website and your personal information is safe.
2. You can call Social Security at 1-800-772-1213, TTY users call 1-800-325-0778.
3. Apply in-person at your local Social Security office. Click here to find an office near you.
4. If either yourself or your spouse worked for the railroad, you can contact the Railroad Retirement Board by calling 1-877-772-5772.you enroll for Medicare, you can also apply for Social Security benefits at the same time if you want.
Note: If you would like, you can also enroll for Social Security benefits while you are signing up for Medicare A & B.
Click here for more information on when to enroll for Medicare
Although many people are not able to enroll in Medicare until they are close to their 65th birthday, some people qualify to enroll in Medicare due to a qualifying disability. Once an individual has received disability benefits for 24 months, or has been diagnosed with a qualifying medical condition, such as ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) or end-stage renal disease (ESRD).
When to start Medicare coverage; One more thing:
Once you are eligible for Medicare, if you neglect to enroll, you’ll have to wait until the general enrollment period to enroll. Each year, the general enrollment period runs from January 1 until March 31. Once you apply, your plan will start the first day of the following month. Please keep in mind, you may have to pay a late enrollment penalty if you do not enroll in Medicare during either your initial election period or a special election period.
If you would like more information on Medicare enrollment, you can find it at Medicare.gov.